
Discovery on Target 2023

Written by Single Cell Technology | 25 September 2023

September 25-28, 2023

Chun-Nan Chen, Single Cell’s founder and CEO, delivered a talk showcasing our AbTheneum™ antibody discovery platform at Discovery on Target in September.

Titled “Screen All, Sequence All, Decide Later,” his presentation highlighted some of the key benefits researchers have seen with the platform. First: the fact that it delivers antibody sequences, with their associated detailed binding profile, just 2-3 weeks after processing the best cells from harvest. And then, since all of the antibodies are screened and sequenced at once, our ability to extract and provide all available data — so users can decide which candidates to advance, a day or a month or a year or more later.   

Find out more about our AbTheneum platform here.

Chun-Nan also presented a poster — “O Broad Anti-Influenza Antibody, Where Art Thou?”— with a case study on screening for antibodies that bind to several subtypes of influenza hemagglutinin (HA) proteins. Broadly-reactive anti-influenza antibodies could be useful neutralizing influenza or to serve as a diagnostic reagent that is effective across multiple strains of the virus. This case study was created in collaboration with Miltenyi Biotec.

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